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Flash X-Ray System
The Flash X-Ray System is a system used in different ballistic disciplines, especially in the field of target ballistics, for imaging very fast events in the order of microseconds, which cannot be imaged with the use of normal photographic techniques.
A large amount of X-Ray generated in the system is sent to the high-speed object to be imaged for a few nanoseconds and a negative image of the object is created on the film. Since the X-Ray technique is used in the system, images can be obtained in ballistic test environments containing dust clouds, smoke and fire. Although the image created is instantaneous, images of certain time intervals can be obtained by using more than one X-ray tube and the flow of the event under investigation can be determined. The Flash X-Ray System at TÜBİTAK SAGE is capable of taking a total of six separate images from four different times during a test. This allows the event to be examined from different angles at different times.
The TÜBİTAK-SAGE Flash X-Ray Infrastructure is designed to be mobile and can serve in different test areas in Türkiye.
Device used
Technical specifications:
Flash X-Ray System 1
- Output voltage : 150 - 450 kV
- Radiation time : 20 nanoseconds
- Dose at 1 meter: 20 mR
- Penetration capacity : 30 mm steel (2.5 meters from focus)
- Focus size 1 mm
Flash X-Ray System 2
- Output voltage : 100 - 300 kV
- Radiation time : 20 nanoseconds
- Dose at 1 meter: 9 mR
- Penetration capacity : 10 mm steel (2.5 meters from focus)
- Focus size : 1 mm
The Flash X-Ray System can be used to monitor all ballistic events that occur at high velocity with the appropriate test setups. Examples of areas where the Flash X-Ray System can be used include the formation of hollow point jets and explosion-formed penetrators, the interaction of penetrating munitions with the target and behind-armor effectiveness studies, the examination of spacecraft shields against meteorite impacts, explosion reaction armor examinations, impact fuzes and fuze installation/security systems tests.
Light Gas Gun System
Light Gas Gun System is a system which fragments and bullets are accelerated to desired high speed impact velocities in laboratory conditions. This system has 12 mm and 25 mm barrels so that samples having diameter up to 23 mm can be tested. Using this system; penetration capability tests of high velocity fragments and bullets, tests regarding the examination of material characteristics at high strain rates, armour testing, Taylor and Reverse Taylor impact tests, tests of protective equipments (bulletproof glass, bulletproof vest, helmet etc.) can be conducted.
This system has 12 mm and 25 mm barrels so that samples having diameter up to 23 mm can be tested. The main technical specifications of the setup are as follows:
- Barrel diameter: 12 mm and 25 mm
- Sample exit speed: 100 - 1,000 m/s.
- Speed measurement: 0 - 1,500 m/s.
The tests listed below can be performed with this setup:
- Perforation efficiency tests of high-velocity projectiles and particles,
- Tests to investigate material behavior at high strain rates,
- Determination of the behavior of materials at high strain rates by Taylor impact tests,
- Determining the capability and performance of protective clothing, safety equipment (bulletproof glass, helmets, vests, etc.) and armor systems against fragments and projectiles.
There is a target cabin at the end of the barrel for safe testing. The interaction of the accelerated particle with the target can be monitored with fast cameras.
12/25 mm Caliber Powder Gun
This system contains 12 and 25 mm caliber barrels. Test fragments are accelerated via powder. Powder gun is protected with steel powder gun shelter. With this device, penetration efficiency tests of high-speed bullets and particles, and the ability of protective clothing and armor systems can be measured. The main technical specifications of the setup are as follows:
- Barrel diameter: 12 mm and 25 mm
- Sample exit speed: 100 - 1,300 m/s.
- Speed measurement: 0 - 1,500 m/s.
The tests listed below can be performed with this setup:
- Perforation efficiency tests of high-velocity projectiles and particles,
- Tests to investigate material behavior at high strain rates,
- Determining the capability and performance of protective clothing, safety equipment (bulletproof glass, helmet, vest, etc.) and armor systems against fragments and projectiles.
In the tests, the interaction of the accelerated particles with the target can be visualized with the help of a fast camera.
40 mm Caliber Powder Gun
With the 40 mm caliber gunpowder gun, particles weighing between 100-1,300 g and smaller than 40 mm in diameter are accelerated with gunpowder. The main technical features of the device are as follows:
- Barrel diameter 40 mm
- Sample exit speed: 1,000 - 2,700 m/s.
The tests listed below can be performed with this setup:
- The effect of particle impact on ammunition,
- Perforation efficiency tests of high-velocity projectiles and particles,
- Tests to investigate material behavior at high strain rates,
- Determining the capability and performance of protective clothing, safety equipment (bulletproof glass, helmet, vest, etc.) and armor systems against fragments and projectiles.
In the tests, the interaction of the accelerated particles with the target can be visualized with the help of a fast camera.
100 mm Gun Barrel System
100 mm Gun Barrel System accelerates test samples using gunpowder to desired high impact velocities. This system is used in order to test the penetration capabilities of the scaled models of munitions.
100 mm Gun Barrel System has a 100 mm diameter barrel and is capable of testing samples having diameter below 100 mm. The main technical specifications of the assembly are as follows:
- Barrel inner diameter: 100 mm
- Sample exit speed: 50 - 1,000 m/s.
- Speed measurement: 0 - 1,000 m/s.
The tests listed below can be performed with this setup:
- Penetration efficiency tests of high-velocity projectiles,
- Tests to determine penetration effectiveness with small-scale models of penetrating ammunition,
- Investigation tests of material behavior at high strain rates.
Split-Hopkinson Test Systems
This test rig is used to determine the behavior of metals, ceramics, polymers and composite materials at high deformation rates and to determine the material model (Johnson-Cook etc.) parameters used in modeling high deformation conditions such as impact and explosion.
The main technical features of the setup are as follows:
- Strain rate 102 - 104 m/s.
- Deformation in tension and compression
- The behavior and deformation of the materials during the test is monitored by a fast camera with a capacity of 1,000,000 fps.